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BY her side

Material, douglas fir, charred.
Price – nfs but commissions welcome

This sculpture has always felt hugely feminine to me, a mother and daughter perhaps, embracing the soft and the round of the wood and its natural contours.

For me the experience of being both daughter and mother, has been a reflective and humbling journey. 
As a daughter, looking upwards at her mother, unconditional love, joy, anger and frustration as one grows into themselves.
As a mother, a deep love that cannot be imagined. 
A love that will press all your buttons and is very often accompanied that interminable sense of guilt as your children are also quite simply your greatest teachers, both on a practical level on all things modern, ‘mum, you don’t do it like that!” and emotionally they reveal sides of yourself that you didn’t know existed.

I also ponder on the masculine and feminine a lot.

 As a woman I consider myself to have a strong masculine side with the huge materials I sculpt and tools I yield and machines I drive but if I am honest, perhaps this is an attempt to hide my soft gentleness.

I acknowledge that we are at a time on this planet where the feminine is being valued ever increasingly.
I have such a strong sense that the planet that has been led predominately by strong male confrontational energy throughout history is at last starting to invite in the feminine. Going forward, I believe that we will need the growing influence of the feminine aspect to try and maintain a degree of balance within our societies as these turbulent times are upon us.

The next Sculpture can be found through the privet hedge in the orchard.